Using OpenVPN client in Fedora 31 natively through GNOME
GNOME Desktop 3.34 that ships with Fedora 31 Workstation allow you to use OpenVPN natively, but setup it requires some extra steps, maybe this can be improved in a near future. Ensure that you have received the OpenVPN configuration file (.ovpn), certificate and key from the network where you want to connect (the IT department of the company owning the network must provide it to you) Create a .cert directory inside your home folder: $ mkdir ~/.cert Copy your OpenVPN configuration files to the directory you created above: $ cp -r {your files directory}/* ~/.cert/ Apply reasonable permissions to this files: $ sudo chmod 600 ~/.cert/* Reload SELinux security files (this will reload the files you placed inside ~/.cert): $ restorecon -Rv ~/.cert/* Go to Gnome Settings > Network and on VPN click on + to add a new connection Select the last option: Import from file Navigate to your home folder. Note: If the hidden files are not showing, press Ctrl + H to show them Selec...